Thursday, July 26, 2012

Upping My Workout With Kids

It's going quite well with the BeachBody Challenge.  I am seeing changes.  I am down to a 29" waist already, but I only dropped 1 lb.  Go figure!  LOL!  What I love most is that I am getting stronger and I want to do more and see more results.  Yoga Booty Ballet isn't cutting it as an only workout for the day, but it isn't like I have a ton of time to devote to a major workout session with 4 young children and an entire household to run and homeschool to prepare for.  So here's what I've been brainstorming to get my rear in gear:

1. Devote my planned workout time to the DVD workout of choice.

2. Do 1 minute intervals throughout the many push-ups can I do in a minute?   How many burpees?  Hold plank.  Squat thrust.  Plyos.  Lunges.  Crunches.  Roll-ups.  Sit ups.  How long can I hang from the chin-up bar, etc.

3. Go for evening walks with the kiddos.  If it isn't storming or sweltering out, I can strap the baby to my body, and load the other three into the stroller and go for a walk with them.  It's a mile round trip from my house to the top of the hill and back again.  1 mile with nearly 100 lbs of kiddos is a good workout, especially since it is a slight grade uphill on the return with a fairly steep hill finish.  Plus, it relaxes and soothes kiddos who are getting fussy and tired from their day.

Any other ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Do leg lifts while washing dishes, squats when brushing your teeth, little things like that!
