Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Clean Those AC's!

My two youngest children have had a phlegmy cough for a while now.  I thought it was summertime allergies, but they just got worse.  No one else is catching it, so it isn't a cold.  Cooler weather moved in and so our window AC units turned off....and so did the coughing!  BINGO!

I pulled out the filter and cleaned it off and replaced it, but when I turned the unit back on, the boys started coughing again.  I turned it off and turned on a fan, instead, thanking God that the nights are cool (seriously, our house BAKES without AC units).  The coughing stopped again, so today, I am going to clean the whole unit.  If that doesn't work, I'm going to consider the unit unhealthy and purchase a new one.

Storage, rain, humidity, dust, dirt, bugs and even mice can do a number on AC units.  Clean them the best you can and use them only when necessary. 

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